Elaborating principles of idiom-formation in the avant-garde literary discourse: a case study of Russian Cubo-Futurism

  • Irina Zykova Institute Of Linguistics Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences
  • Olga Sokolova Institute Of Linguistics Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences
Keywords: avant-garde discourse, manifesto, avant-garde idiomatics, experimentation


The paper sets out to explore the avant-garde literary discourse from the point of view of its idiomatic constituent. In particular, it studies avant-garde manifestoes written by the representatives of Cubo- Futurism, in which radical aesthetic renewal and the need for the reformation in the sphere of literature are proclaimed. As very expressive and complex rhetorical performances, manifestoes contain various kinds of idiomatic phrases that can be considered both vivid representations of a particular (avant-garde) approach to the language and prescriptions for certain ways of the language use. Special attention is paid to the elaboration of the methodology aimed to identify avant-garde idioms proper in the avant-garde literary discourse. The results obtained show that the manifestoes under consideration are, in essence, the first “trials” in the field of (poetic) language reformation and language experimentation and the sources of the idiomatics (idioms / idiomatic expressions) that can be termed “experimental”.


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Author Biographies

Irina Zykova, Institute Of Linguistics Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences

Irina Zykova is Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher, Professor. She is the author of more than 100 publications in the field of theoretical linguistics, linguo-cultural studies, phraseology and paremiology, cognitive linguistics, terminology (metalinguistics).

Olga Sokolova, Institute Of Linguistics Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences

Olga Sokolova is Doctor of Philology, Senior Researcher. She is the author of more than 60 publications in the field of theoretical linguistics, linguistic poetics, theory of discourse, cognitive linguistic


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