Typologies of phraseological units and their frequencyin the reality show Gran Hermano

  • Enrique Gutiérrez Rubio University Palacký Olomouc
Palabras clave: spontaneous informal language, frequency of Spanish phraseology, typologyof Spanish phraseology, Gran Hermano


This paper presents a study that aims at identifying the frequency and typology of Spanish phraseological units (PUs) used in spontaneous informal language production. For this kind of study, it is necessary to have access to spontaneous, free-spoken conversations. The source of the PUs for this research is formed by conversations extracted from Gran Hermano, the Spanish version of Big Brother. In this study data obtained from the analysis of almost two hours of spontaneous conversations extracted from Gran Hermano 16 (broadcast live 24/7 via on-line streaming) will be presented and discussed. Moreover, it is intended to open up for discussion whether this reality show can be a better source of spontaneous informal conversations than the existing Spanish oral corpora.


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Biografía del autor/a

Enrique Gutiérrez Rubio, University Palacký Olomouc

Enrique Gutiérrez Rubio completed his PhD in Diachronic Czech Linguistics in 2007, at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). He has been Assistant Professor at the Department of Romance Languages (Faculty of Arts) of Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic) since 2008. He has published four books and over thirty peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, mainly on Spanish and Czech morphology and phraseology.


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